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pet care - food

Pet parenting is a wonderful experience, and dedicated pet lovers tend to be very kind people. When we adopt a pet, we share everything with them. It is a way of expressing our love to our pets. But, as a pet parent, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Vetcare pet clinic is one of the leading pet care clinics in Manikonda and we have been providing our pet care services for years. Over the years, one of the most common questions that pet parents ask us is the type of food that they should feed their pets dogs. There is nothing wrong with sharing your favorite food with your furry friend. But there are certain types of food that you must keep away from your pet.

Here is a list of food that you cannot feed to your pet dog.

Milk and Dairy Products

Apart from mother’s milk, your pet cannot eat or drink any kind of dairy products. It may be very tempting to share your favorite ice cream with your pet friend on a sunny day. But, milk and dairy based products can affect your dog’s health adversely. It can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems. So, avoid feeding dairy products to your pet dog.

Chocolate is very harmful to dogs, because it contains a very toxic substance called methylxanthines, which can stop a dog’s metabolic process. This toxic substance is present in all types of chocolates, especially in dark chocolate. Chocolate can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and in some serious cases it can also cause heart problems and death.

Avocados contain a strain of fatty acid called persin, which is very toxic to your pet, if consumed in large quantities. Avocados may be healthy for humans, but not for pets. The avocado seed can get stuck in the intestine and could be fatal to your dog.

Onions and Garlic

It is always advisable to keep onions and garlic away from your dog. May it be in powdered, raw, cooked or in any form, never feed onion and garlic to your pet dog. Eating in a large quantity can kill their red blood cells.

Drinks and Sugar Foods
Drinks and sugar foods will be high in processed sugars. Feeding your pet dog with sugar foods and drinks like cookies, cakes, alcohol, etc. will increase the weight, cause diabetes, and also result in tooth decay.

These are the top five types of foods and drinks that your pet dog cannot eat. It is always advisable to feed your dog with healthy food that is suitable for your dog. You can consult a veterinary doctor for a diet plan.

Dr. Vishwanath from Vetcare Pet Clinic is an experienced veterinary doctor in Manikonda. He can treat all types of pet animals and is also a pet nutrition advisor. You can schedule a meeting with the doctor for a diet and nutrition plan for your pet dog.

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